Important Cultural PropertySilver ornate hairpin

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  • 1 piece
  • Silver
  • Total L14.7 W6.0 leg L11.5
  • Nara period/8th century
  • Tokyo National Museum
  • N-94

This is an ornamental silver hairpin, on the top of which is a symmetrical, auspicious ornament in a cloud design (Zuiun-kei). It is stated in the "Kokin-mokuroku-sho" (the Catalogue of the Ancient and Modern) and the "Gohomotsu-zue" (Illustration of Imperial Treasures) that this ornamental hairpin was owned by Shotoku Taishi in his childhood and the Emperor Koken dedicated it to Horyu-ji Temple. The design of the auspicious cloud is elaborated openwork carved vigorously with clear-cut ridges. There are several ancient hair ornaments including a comb preserved at Shosoin as a treasure and other artifacts, however, this is a valuable relic because ornamental hairpins are rare.

