Important Cultural PropertyShishi (Lion) (Mañjuśrī's Pedestal)

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  • 木造獅子(文殊菩薩台座)
  • 1 statue
  • Wood with pigments Joined block construction
  • Total H 35.5
  • Heian period/11th century
  • Nara National Museum
  • 758(彫21)

Shinra Zenshindō Shrine at Onjōji Temple in Shiga Prefecture was reportedly the former owner of this statue. Originally, it presumably had a figure of the bodhisattva Monju (Skt. Mañjuśrī) mounted on its back, as indicated by the remaining saddle cloth and lotus pedestal.

Three pieces of Japanese torreya were assembled to make the lion, with a separate piece attached as the tail. The interior was not hollowed out.

Stylistically, the lion has round, wide-open eyes, a closed mouth with fangs on either side, and visible depictions of gums in its mouth. The animal faces forward with its four legs planted on the ground and has a wavy mane flowing along its body. The back is high, and the figure has an impressive fullness of form. The rendering of the musculoskeletal structure in the legs and accompanying claws is surprisingly realistic. In an adapted form of horse tack, the lion wears a girth around its stomach, a martingale across its chest, and a crupper around the back from which round and flower-bud-shaped ornaments are hung.

Both the head and body are painted blue, and the mane and fur are green. The underbelly is pink. The saddle cloth is painted in gold, and the lotus flower is strikingly painted in red, blue, green, and white with accents in cut gold leaf. The girth, martingale, and crupper have gold leaf pressed on them.

The sculpture’s similarity to a lion and guardian dog (koma-inu) at Yakushiji Temple in Nara that were made in Kanji 1 (1087) as well as a lion at Tōji Temple in Kyoto made in the latter half of the 10th century suggests it dates to the 11th century. These similarities include being made of Japanese torreya in an early construction style, the large, sphere-like eyes, the simplified rendering of the facial structure, and the broad, rounded chest.

