Important Cultural PropertyBook of Tang Volume 71, Part 2 (Part 2 of The Genealogy of Prime Ministers Section 11), the Song period version

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  • 1 volume
  • Southern Song Dynasty period
  • Tokyo National Museum
  • TB-1574

This is contained in the second half of Volume 71 of the "New Tangshu (Shin Tôjo)," the official history of the Tang Dynasty in China published in the Southern Song Dynasty, titled "The Family Trees of Officials, Book 11, II (second half)." The volume was bound into the form of a booklet and printed on both sides of each page with left and right margins. Each page has 14 rows with 25 characters in each row, with tables consisting of 12 rows and 8 columns. The edge of each standard page has a "open fish-tail" marking and "Tangshu Family Trees of Officials, Book 11, II" written on it. Other than the missing characters "貞" and "楨," the text is almost complete. The number of sheets is 49. The rectangular ink seal "Kanazawa Library" can be seen at the end of the title, with further descriptions, "Suruga Oyuzuribon (handed over books), Tangshu Family Trees of Officials, Kanazawa Publication, 1 book," written on the back of the cover page. This work is valuable as it shows the standard printing format of the Jiayou (Kayuu) years of the Southern Song Dynasty.

