Important Cultural PropertyTaira no Yukimasa's prayer

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  • Handwritten by Sesonji Sadanari
  • 1 scroll
  • Ink on decorative paper
  • 35.1x225.6
  • Kamakura period/Kōan 7 (1284)
  • Tokyo National Museum
  • B-19

This is a written prayer that Taira no Yukimasa, governor of Suo (current Yamaguchi), offered when he held a Buddhist service commemorating the 13th anniversary of his grandfather Taira no Masahira's death on March 18, 1284. This is valuable historical material in that it shows how samurai in vassalage to the Kamakura shogunate living in Kyoto held a memorial service for their ancestors in the late Kamakura period.
On the paper, people and trees are sketched. The writer is believed to be Sadanari (~1278~1312~, younger brother of Tsunemasa (1247~1311~), the 10th head of the Sesonji family) of the Sesonji family that originated by Fujiwara no Yukinari (972~1027). Although Sadanari does not belong to the main family line, he is well known as a skilled calligrapher and some of the letters written by him still remain (in private possession).

